Monumental moments
Posted by FAY HAAKMA

It's like leaving Kindy and having your first day at School - (one day you can’t go out the gate without an adult and are fully fenced in and the next you aren’t in with a shut gate and can leave when the bell rings).
As of today, we don't have to wear masks while out and about!
What a liberating day. Well, for those of us in Retail we know it was slipping anyway and we were self moderating - But now I don't feel like the naughty kid when mine is off.
I've had a few interesting moments over the past few weeks around masks. In Point Break we’ve noticed anyone entering with a mask on incorrectly, and not making eye contact have often been scheming to steal our stuff. My excitement may be more around that shop than Gabriels or Midnight Ivy, and it may reduce my work stories now those humans aren’t so covered… Believe me, we have stories.
But the biggie that's more monumental is the fact that in my lifetime I've had a Queen and a King 👑
My parents couldn’t say that. Friends and I had a go at singing the new anthem - We need more practice.
On that note, I do wonder what the next big thing will be? Could it be the Hottest summer in History for us as Europe just had?
Well I've got that covered if it is, easy T-shirts and Shorts, and lightweight Dresses❣️
We look forward to seeing you Soon… the whole of you… no mask required…