Pink job or Blue?
Posted by FAY HAAKMA

It's no secret the husband and I have been pulling the hours lately and as we drove in the drive last Sunday there were no extra cars on our grass… and I saw how long it was… so as he sloped inside, ignoring my exclamation of “my gosh I see our grass", I decided to take action. I mowed the lawns. Now traditionally that's a Blue job in our house, just like cleaning the toilet is a Pink job (Yea I know I got that all wrong 35 years ago) so I was quietly celebrating how nice it looked and that smell of fresh cut grass as I went inside the surprise of a pink job being done by the husband nearly overwhelmed me. Here he was folding the washing! oh, be still my heart.
The bit that nearly had me unravelling tho was the colours in the folded piles, you guessed it, Pink and Blue tops in my pile, Blues and Greens in his… Yes, that's my sense of humour this week.
I love our beautiful new Silk/Cotton range that just arrived, and yes there's pink and blue… come and check it out. We’ll see you soon.