Whats the time - whats the day
Posted by FAY HAAKMA

I've decided asking me if I've had a lovely weekend this time of year is like poking a bear.
Especially from a happy baby face rep, who’s in front of me to sell me next Summer stuff first thing Monday morning - after they’ve had a lovely day at the beach or surfing!
It’s buying time, sorting sales stock and entering stock time… "So Good Morning" or "Have you had a nice day” keeps me happier than reminding me that there are 2 days meant for rest and relaxation.
That a side - It's been a whirl wind week. The shoe fair in Auckland, the showings for all our favourite brands, and planning next Summers buy.
The colours are new and fresh and the fact that there's lovely skirts and tops being presented is exciting. We will even see a new brand hit our shelves.
But in Store now….
All our beautiful knit from Z&P and LD+Co has arrived along with Vassalli, Newport and Duo… so it's all go in store and at the office desk.
While the shop is also in SALE - Today we marked more shoes down to $99 and you’ll find our tops, dresses and pants all sitting with sale tags on them… so what's the time… SALE TIME… What's the day…who cares... it's SALE TIME
Ps… a little birdie told me this morning at a parking meeting with the council and chamber of commerce that you won’t be ticketed if you are over your parking until you are an hour over… then you will get a ticket. Not sure that's their best approach, but handy to know!!!
Trust me we are working on a resolution to the parking woo’s that have hit our town. xx