Posted by FAY HAAKMA

The helpers were chasing each other around the kitchen this morning, doing circuits, as I was navigating my first cup of tea. I was like you 2 what's going on? Cat Dog Cat Dog 😬 ☕️ Then I just helped chase next door's 2 puppies doing circles around the road back in their gate while still in my dressing gown (thank goodness it's a lovely Yuu one from work!). What's with the animals this morning?
I have to admit I was feeling a little emotional, it's a bit of a big time in our house right now.
I've indeed been doing circles myself these past few days, with a lot of flip flopping too! It's bloody exhausting.
I'm so thankful for my awesome team. They all bring a special power to the crew, and I just love it when everyone is pleased with their day, and have happy work stories.
We all seem to be happy with the warmth some of these days are bringing - absolutely crazy having 23 degree Wednesdays in May!!!
You know why it's called May? Cause it may be cold, it may be hot, it may be wet it, it may be fine… You may wear a dress, you may wear pants, you may need a jacket, you may need a merino… doing circles around your wardrobe to fine something you may have tossed out, but wish you hadn’t.
Just as well we have lots in store for you to circle and find what you may need, or may just fall in love with…
Dress yourself up for the first ever Kings Birthday weekend… I want to say dress like a Queen but Im finding that hard. See you soon…