Oh come on
Posted by FAY HAAKMA

🤣 Just as I said "there's no such thing as winter," in comes the cold. Still, it's perfect to grab the SALE Merino and winter pants that you were putting off because it wasn’t cold enough🤭. It's the downward count on our SALE and much has been marked down further than 30% now.
But that's not really been the topic this week - it's more been come on Barbie let's go party💕
I've certainly been seeing PINK. Even have a drop of PINK in our window right now.
The girl kid has spread her wings and just landed in Madrid. The Worlds Wake boarding comp is in Portugal this year so she’s training up in Latvia. How's that for a combination of countries. Latvia - call me simple but I never knew it was a country until 3 weeks ago!
She’s travelling alone so there's been a lot of messaging and photos so we are seeing it thru her eyes, and today I've been getting photos of Barbie hype in Madrid with the captions "Oh come on” and “Seriously?”
Having been a wee Barbie girl herself, she’s gob smacked at the amount of it everywhere.
Husband says “You weren’t really a Barbie Girl were you Fay?” I certainly was - but only in the capacity of seamstress. I learnt to sew making my Barbie her clothes❣️ can’t say that pink was my colour back then tho, and I remember wishing for a Barbie long before I ever got one.
Not Barbie pink but a little PINK did arrive in store this week as new season clothing arrived.
We spent yesterday hanging and steaming the new Yarra Trail, and Democracy so that’ll be in the shop today/tomorrow. The new Mi Moso is also on its way and we have a couple of new season shoes landed… although they aren’t pink.
We look forward to seeing you soon…