Posted by FAY HAAKMA

Special occasion dates. Are these “just a thing” which some of us take as just another day, or even feel a bit pipped at the media or retail hype around it… but love it or lump it Mother's Day is a week away.
Healing these hands of mine I found myself watching a movie called Otherhood. I laughed out loud a lot! (Thanks Netflix)
I've had a weird time with Mother's Day, Only having my own for 9 years, and then the beautiful Grandmothers and Aunties, who stepped in and were certainly the village which raised us, to gaining a mother in law…. and then becoming a mother myself. Oh the types of Motherhood.
Dr David Sampson’s words of advice when our boy kid was brand new - he said "Motherhood is run on fear and guilt and the sooner you come to terms with that the better off you’ll be". Now that could have been a toss away comment of his, or one he dished out frequently but I heard it, and remembered it, and have even repeated it during interesting times.
I know when my girl kid is happy with me I'm referred to as “Mother Beans”. When things are all good I'm “Mumma” and when I'm in trouble or they don't agree with me I'm “Mother” - with a tone attached to it...
So as Mother's Day 2023 nears, however you deal with it I'm thinking "Otherhood". I'm giving a thought to the special people who’ve raised up a village, or gone that bit extra for a child or adult that's not entirely yours, you Rock❣️
I'm also privileged to be called Mumma Fay by an extended group of humans - and I'm thankful for that. xx
Oh and If you do want a great gift to give your Mother, other, or Mumma beans we do have a beautiful selection in Midnight Ivy and Gabriels.
It's our pleasure to help you out. See you soon.