Running hot and cold
Posted by FAY HAAKMA

As always April 25 holds a special place in my heart - It was my Nanas birthday and of course Anzac Day. I always find it odd that we say least we forget… when I always choose to remember…
I was also saying a quiet thank you to our lovely merino that I had layered on to make dawn parade. In Mangakino it was absolutely freezing! Monday night there was the moment when I saw the mist on the breath of the crazy's we were with outside show up and at that moment I knew it was going to be freezing at dawn in Mango.
Husband was “How many layers do you need?” and I was “As many as it takes!” . That's the beauty of Merino it layers so well… especially with a vest.
I've been caught out a little this season as the American Dragon boat ladies happened to walk in just as we were unpacking the beautiful colourful merino for this season and they sure did get excited and purchased this “light beautiful wool to take home to the mountains".
Which means some of the seasonal colours are already gone, so if you are after some new layering pieces, or some outerwear don't “take your sweet time” As some of the stocks are sold out from the suppliers, on the fashion pieces.
Our beautiful Bay Road/Nobel Wild is still able to be ordered, as are the Possum Merino - I know it seems odd as the weather is certainly running hot and cold but with supply as it is, it's certainly become first in best dressed.
We have another colour way of Newport Vests just arrived and managed to top up some of their stunning merino, which just arrived this morning.
As I watched the news and weather last night I laughed as it's still going to be hot and cold for the next few weeks, not ideal for retail however... perfect for layering up.
On a personal note- thanks for asking after me and my hands, which are on the in-prove, and I have been told off for doing too much too soon- however slow as it's feeling, and yes Im back in pants of both kinds.🤭😅😉.
See you soon.