Oh the Wonder
Posted by FAY HAAKMA

I heard myself ask a young girl “so what's your superpowers?” at a job interview. She told me how wonderful she was at client service etc, and I sat there wondering if she actually could deliver all she promised.
Flick forward a day and a lady is just browsing, thinking out loud, “I wonder if we will get a very cold winter” as she stroked the lovely warm jackets and coats. Always one for a bit of banter I replied "well at least with a good jacket you won't have to wonder if you’ll be cold on a cold day” - Then we discussed the beauty of layers, and merino, and merino layers, and merino possum jumpers and gloves… You never have to wonder if you’ll be warm enough if you layer up with those!
To her delight I could add, and the Vassalli ones are all on special now, so you get to enjoy them for the cold months, knowing you got a bargain.
Flick forward another day and I'm discussing the finer details of a beating heart and the lady says “you're bloody wonder woman” I know that I quipped back, I am indeed wondering a lot at present.
I wonder how to express that we are closing the Midnight Ivy door, and wish to sell as much of our product before the 24th June as possible, so that we will fit the remaining stuff into Gabriels
…with husband saying "but we aren’t closing, we are merging” … and Im reminding him "but we aren’t ordering more sizes of Bra’s in, we won't be doing fittings, unless by appointment, we are closing the shop"
He is very quick to point out,
"We will still have some Bra and undies tho, we are still selling Sloggi, and we still will have all the shapewear, slips, and secret weapons, the Skechers are going into Gabriels, so we are merging, and of course it's all still online"…
phew, I wondered how I remained calm as he told me, exactly what I told him, we were doing with it all.
So there you have it folks no more wondering what's going on in there… The mega sale continues because we are closing and, merging.
See you instore for 30-50% off in Midnight Ivy only. Although there's some Gabriels stock in Midnight Ivy at 50% off. see you soon!