splash or splurge
Posted by FAY HAAKMA

🎶 lord it's hard to be humble,🎶 when you're perfect in every way,🎶 I can’t help but look in the mirror cause I get better looking each day.🎶
To know me is to love me, I must be a helluva guy, Oh lord its hard to be humble but at least I give it a try 🎶
We have an old truck, he’s the apple of the husband's eye. Old Dusty we call him. He’s nice, I have to admit, and I love him too. But he’s no show truck. He’s solid, comfortable and can lull me to sleep in 30min. We joke he has a 30 foot paint job, because he is a great colour and looks great until you get up close and can see he’s not perfect. Last weekend we took him to Lake Hop. Mangakino.
Parked beside him was a pimped version, still a F100, same same but different. It's cute as, done right up, everything perfect. Looks like a girl truck, think her name is Lola. 🎶 her name is Lola she was a showgirl... 🎶
A fun weekend with Old Dusty and Lola. In fact Old Dusty won the award for best pick up truck… not sure if it was because he picked up Lola or because he was a simple ruggedly handsome used truck.
Sometimes a splash will get you a great splurge result...
At Gabriels it's now the opportunity to splash out, on an item that would normally feel like a splurge.
That's the perfect thing with Seasonal Sales.
In fact, right now we have the Fly London, top end boots on a Sale price that demands attention. A complete splurge item at a splash price. Comfort and style without the flashy price tag.
So see you soon... It's time to splash out.